Movie in the Park

The Park and Recreation Committee Present:




Arrive at Dusk
Movie starts at 8:30sbob

Snacks and beverages provided.
Bring a blanket and chair.
Animals welcomed.

Boy Scout sign-ups will be from 7:00pm-8:00pm

Tax Collector Date Changes

Conyngham Borough Tax Collector, Madelyn Lawson, will be collecting tax payments at the Conyngham Borough Building, 215 Main St. Conyngham on Sept 15th, Sept 16th, and Sept 17th from 9 AM to 12 Noon and NOT on Sept 18th as printed on the tax bill.


Rain Barrel Workshop

Conyngham Borough is holding a workshop entitled “Using Rainwater to Beautify Your Property While Protecting Your Neighbors” on Saturday May 9th at 10:00 AM at the Borough Building, 215 Main St. The workshop is open to the public and the admission is free. Topics to be discussed include the importance of controlling rain water, where does my rainwater go, how to make, install, and maintain a rain barrel. Please RSVP by calling the Borough Office at 570-788-4385.


Park Program Registration

Conyngham Park Program Registration for children ages 5 to 12 will be held Tuesday, May 5th and Wednesday, May 20th from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Conyngham Borough Building. The program will be held from June 22nd to July 31st. It is a Monday through Friday program that runs from 9AM to 12 PM. Children must be at least 5 years of age by June 1st(birth certificates required). Payment of $120.00 per child is required at the time of registration. Registration forms can also be picked up at the Conyngham Borough Building during office hours. The deadline for registration is Wednesday May 20th.

The Official Website of Conyngham Borough, PA