Seeking Applicants for Junior Council Position
Conyngham Borough Council is seeking students interested in applying for the position of Junior Council person. Applicants must be a Conyngham resident and a high school Junior or Senior. Attendance at monthly council meetings is expected. Community service/class credit may be included with school board approval. Interested persons may submit a resume and an expression of interest in the position to Conyngham Borough, PO Box 442, Conyngham, PA 18219. Deadline for applications is Thursday September 11, 2014. Please call the Borough Office at 570-788-4385 with any questions.
UCC Appeals Board Vacancy
Conyngham Borough Council is seeking a qualified individual to sit on the UCC Appeals Board. Applicant must have experience and training in building construction. Letters of interest may be sent to the Conyngham Borough Office, 215 Main St, PO Box 442, Conyngham, PA 18219
Regular Session Meeting Minutes
Work Session and Special Session Meeting Minutes
Movie Night in the park
Movie night will be held Aug 15 at 8:30pm in the whispering willows park. The film to be shown is “Lego”. Those attending are asked to bring a blanket and snack. Light refreshments will be available.
Comprehensive Downtown Study Meeting Scheduled For July 30th
There will be a public meeting in council chambers on July 30th at 6pm to provide you with an overview of the Comprehensive Downtown Study that was prepared for Conyngham Borough by Alfred Benesch & Company and Urban Research & Development Corporation. Conyngham DS Announcement Final